Show notes:

  • Chat about extraordinary book and process called “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron which was written 22 years ago
  • Felicity is a psychologist and practicing artist – painter (abstract art) which she has a mixture of skills which she brings to support coach/ mentor other artists
  • Your looking for way forward or struggling with some limiting beliefs which is she is interested in helping people clear up (emerging or established artists alike)
  • “New level, new devil” – no matter where you are in your creative life/ career you probably have things that you need to challenge, move through and improve; increase idea/ productivity/ profile/ success/ sales that you’re doing
  • “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” – this is one of the things that Felicity hear and challenge one of the artists she works with.
  • It’s important to understand that being a creative person you need to be self-expressed.
  • When you allow yourself to be spontaneous, you feel a surge of energy and often get the sense of being connected more wholeheartedly to who you really are.
  • Being blocked creative means you’re not using your creativity
  • “Judging your creative efforts is artistic abuse.” We can really be our worst critics. Your inner critic can be screaming at you.
  • Julia Cameron talks about our artist as a child and that child needs nurturing and we wouldn’t abuse or scream that child instead be encouraging and provide opportunities
  • Key points: Morning pages and Artist’s Dates
  • Morning pages – ritual that you partake in everyday. A morning journal and you have to do this first thing in the morning.
  • Artist’s dates – prescribed as a weekly activity and encourage to do this alone.
  • When you are blocked as a creative, you are limited by your beliefs
  • There are patterns of limiting beliefs in people
  • Depression and anxiety have been seen around people and in creative people
  • It is important to sort these stuff out and when you free yourself from these limiting beliefs and replace it with more empowering beliefs, then we get change
  • When there is change, you start to turn up – in your morning journal, artist’s dates and your studio
  • Taking action
  • Declutter – clearing out old materials can be very therapeutic
  • Trust the process
  • Taking action is the key for blocked artists – shifting the energy and the key to improving the situation in every way