If your feeling creatively blocked and wondering about why take a little read of this blog post by one of  This Creative Life’s participants – artist Belinda Lindhardt.

Belinda participated in the first round of This Creative Life program  and has written about her experience as she has come to the end of the program. If your feeling blocked in your creative life and want to learn how you can overcome your own blocks an art coaching & mentoring group might just be the ticket for you.

Read about Belinda’s experience both before and during the program has help her overcome her blocks and so much more.

Belinda wrote:

I knew before starting that I was “blocked” but I didn’t really know why.. this book and this program with a group of fabulous creative and support women I will say has changed my life!

Felicity O’Connor is a amazing artist, I have attended a couple of her workshops, she is also a psychologist, and her facilitation in this group has meant that there is a powerful combination and understanding that I don’t think you are going to get many places. She just gets IT ! 

I had hoped that going through this process would hopefully help me to work out WHY i kept sabotaging my art – it has opened me up to so much more than that…

To Read more –  visit the post here >

🎧 Listen to Belinda’s Testimonial about This Creative Life