Artist Testimonials
What others have said about working with Felicity
Working with Felicity in This Creative Life has been such an amazing experience. I have previously tried to work through ‘The Artist’s Way’ book on my own but just wasn’t able to get there. I was feeling quite blocked in my arts practice but wasn’t able to work out why. The book takes your hand and guides you to working out where you need to go and having the support of the other women in the group has been wonderful, I know I wouldn’t have been able to work through it without them. I highly recommend this course if you are feeling blocked in your creative life, I know I will take this all with me well beyond the 12 weeks its something that will stay with me for life!
When I was a young girl I wanted to be an artist 'when I grew up'. I still feel like that but something is holding me back, I am waiting for something. I cripple myself with self doubt to the point where I can't start. I heard Felicity speaking earlier this year and really resonated with the topics of self talk, art scars & creative blocks. I realized that I needed to do something to reshape my future. I couldn't continue to 'exist' but not live. Thus began my journey into unblocking my creativity and uncovering a better me. The Artist's Way and Felicity's course came to me at the right time. I am slowly working through the book and the teachings, and partnered with the weekly live calls I am getting the accountability that I need to keep pushing forward. Felicity is calm, patient and understanding. Having the support of the other creative ladies in the group also helps to uncover insights that perhaps would not have occurred to me on my own. I would recommend this course to anyone who feels a deep calling to create, in whatever form that takes for them.